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We are offering a broad range of services:




Equine influenza: the primary vaccination course consists of 3 injections with 6 weeks between the first and second injection and 6 months between the second and third. Boosters are given annually. All horses competing in FEI competitions require a vaccination within six months + 21 days of the competition and no vaccination shall be given within 7 days of the day of arrival at the FEI event.


Tetanus: the primary vaccination consists of 2 injections about 6 weeks apart. A third vaccination should be given 12 months later followed by boosters every 2 years. Tetanus can be given as a combined injection with influenza (see above).


EHV (Equine Herpes Virus): for active immunisation of horses to reduce clinical signs due to infection with Equine Herpesvirus 1 and 4, two doses should be given 6 weeks apart followed by 6 monthly boosters. To reduce abortion due to EHV-1 infection, pregnant mares should be vaccinated during the 5th, 7th and 9th month of pregnancy.


EVA (Equine Viral Arteritis): Vaccinated horses will become seropositive and therefore it is recommended that they are blood tested prior to primary vaccination to demonstrate that they were previously seronegative. Breeding stallions are vaccinated twice with 6 weeks in between followed by 6 monthly boosters.


Rotavirus: for the vaccination of pregnant mares to provide passive transfer of antibodies to foals to reduce the risk of diarrhoea caused by Equine Rotavirus. Mares are able to transfer the passive immunity to the foals 4 weeks after the third vaccination. Foals of the vaccinated mares show an increase in antibodies against Equine Rotavirus for approximately sixty days. Pregnant mares should be given three doses of vaccine consisting of a single 1ml dose administered at the 8th, 9th and 10th month of each pregnancy.





  • Routine sampling for CEM (and other veneral diseases) and EVA/EIA testing: should be done after the first of January each year.

  • Fertility checks including hysteroscopies using our videoscope.

  • Problem mare investigation.

  • Preparation for natural covering or artificial insemination.

  • Artificial insemination with fresh, chilled and frozen semen (frozen semen will only be done at our premises).

  • Pregnancy diagnosis.

  • Pregnancy follow-up.

  • Assisted deliveries.



  • Routine sampling for CEM (and other veneral diseases) and EVA/EIA testing: should be done after the first of January each year.

  • EVA vaccination (see above).

  • Castration.


New born foal:



We are offering a routine dental examination and rasping (when necessary) service and with our power tool kit, we are now able to tackle most dental problems at your yard.  X-rays can be taken if necessary to assess any dental issues prior to treatment. We can also remove Wolf-teeth.



Gastric ulceration is a serious yet common condition that can affect any horse – from the most sedate pony to performance and racehorses. Studies indicate that gastric ulcers occur in up to:

  • 37% of leisure horses

  • 63% of performance horses

  • 93% of racehorses

  • Foals are also at particular risk - around 50% of foals develop stomach ulcers, particularly in the first few months of life.


The signs of gastric ulcers can be very difficult to recognise, but may include one or more of the following:

  • Poor appetite

  • Weight loss

  • Poor performance

  • Poor condition including dull coat

  • Behavioural changes

  • Mild or recurrent colic


While many signs can point to a horse having gastric ulcers, only a vet can diagnose them officially, using a 3 metre videoscope. It’s a relatively simple, painless procedure, in which a thin optical cable is passed into a horse’s stomach to check for ulceration. You can assess the risk of gastric-ulcers in your horse at Equine Gastric Ulcers Risk Assessment.



We can perform lameness work-ups, nerve and joint blocks/medication. If we have access to a mains powerpoint, we can take digital X-rays and perform ultrasound examinations. We can also perform a thermal scan of your horse to pin-point an area of interest prior to performing other diagnostic tests so we can save time and money by concetrating on specific areas.


In cases of chronic laminitis, we can organize to be at your yard together with your farrier so that he/she can interpred the x-rays immediately and adjust the trimming and shoeing accordingly.



Respiratory problems can be investigated using the videoscope: upper airways and guttural pouches can be visualised and samples can be obtained for laboratory tests. Tracheal washing and broncho-alveolar-lavage can be performed.



We offer assesment and treatment of colic and referral for surgery if required.


Pre-Purchase and insurance examination:

5 and 2 stage vettings can be performed for insurance or pre-purchase purposes. Any additional X-rays, scopes and/or scans can be taken at the same time. VDS bloodsampling is highly recommended at the time of the examination as an extra "insurance".


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